Saturday, December 11, 2010

Microsoft Excel Formula: Small

You can find small number from a big list of Rows and columns. Just Follow video procedure.

You can give your suggestions for developing blog.

Excel Formula Roman


Excel Formula Sumproduct

Just watch how hard formula shows easy.

If any suggestion contact

You can subscribe for updated videos from this blog.

COUNT Function, Excel COUNT Formula

You can easily learn after seeing this video of COUNT Function. Even any confusion first open Excel and play video side by side and follow the video procedure.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Email subscription widget for blogger

I have searched email subscription widget blogger like you on so many sites and forums also not available not given proper reply.

Even my blog is different to this topic I am publishing.

Do you want add Email Subscription widget to your blog. Normally any widgets you can search and simply copy code and paste into your blog . But email subscription widget for blog is some different you can’t find on any site. You have to create widget for you blog.

Just follow the procedure.

1. open . You can sign with your Gmail or blogger account. Feedburner owned by Google.
2. Type your Blog address (ex: under Burn a feed right this instant. Then select Next button
3. After that you will see two options Atom and RSS. Select Atom and click Next button.
4. Enter Feed Title your choice (ex: Microsoft Excel Formulas Video Tutorial). Feed address will come automatically.
5. You will Find Congrats!. Click Next option
6. Again click Next button.
7. Now select Publicize Tab.
8. Left side you can see Email Subscriptions button. Just click Email Subscription.
9. Then click Activate button
10. Select your language and Copy HTML code and paste in your blog.

Select dropdown arrow of use as a widget and select Blogger then select GO. It will be added to your blog.

Good. This is your blog email subscription widget.

If any clarification contact

All the Best.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Find Formula

You can learn from this formula specified letter can be found from a big sentence.

All the Best.

Exact Formula

Exact formula will compare and determine two items of text.


Excel Formula Roundup

To useful for reducing decimal points.

Added new video enjoy....